Thursday, March 27, 2008


Soooo I have finally decided to have a blogspot I could call my own! Im Samantha and I currently reside in Brooklynnnnnnnnn NYC. Basically this will be a blog of fashion, entertainment anything to do with art and being creative and of course the daily weekly monthly and yearly encounters in my life! So I named my blog Bun&Cheese because that has become somewhat of a nick name of mine. For all of you who do not know, Bun&Cheese is a jamaican food which is kind of like a snack, like eating bread and cheese =) Anywho as a creative mind I think this will be a great place to share a lil bit of me, my thoughts and maddness as well what im doing and planning to do in the future. So stay tuned, sit back and relax this should definetly and hopefulyl be intresting!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

o good now i can stalk u lmao